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  • Writer's pictureMars

We Are Not Okay

Welcome back/to The Daily Mars, a rant about anything and everything, from Wattpad to just our daily lives, since mine is super boring at the moment. I'm your host and I'm pretty sure you know who I am if you're actually reading this, but in case you don't let me introduce myself, my name is Mars and yes it is a pen name.


Now the title isn't some kind of click-bait I can assure you. Most people's mental health currently is absolute trash and I'm no exception. Being stuck at home for several months can really take a toll on a person's health both physically and mentally. But I'm here with a few tips to keep us from completely going insane.

TAKE BREAKS. Breaks are the most essential thing to preserve your sanity. While constantly being on social media just has its perks, it's a really toxic place. It's okay to just switch off your phone for a while and disconnect from the outside world to focus on yourself for a while. In that time you can read a book, start a hobby, catch up on a television show or just reconnect with your family. I can tell you for sure that it is very rewarding.

START NEW HOBBIES. Whether it's reading, writing, baking or drawing, there's a wide variation of hobbies you can pick from. Doing hobbies can be very calming depending on which one you pick. It doesn't have to be anything extreme, just something that'll make you happy. I can assure that it'll make you feel a lot more better.

TALK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS. Now I know this one is incredibly hard but I don't necessarily mean literally talking to someone about how you feel because sometimes that's super cringe. If you're okay with talking about your feelings then that's fine just make sure whoever you tell is someone you can trust but if you're not okay with that then you can write it on a piece of paper or wherever you want to. Read over it and if you've truly gotten everything out you can tear it but if you love to hoard paper like me then just keep it in a place where no one is going to look through.

SLEEP. I'm guilty of this. I do not get enough sleep even when I'm at school which is bad and I strongly advise against this. When you sleep your brain is on auto-pilot and you don't think about just how messy your real life is. Along with sleep, eat properly, hydrate frequently and take general good care of yourself. Treat yourself like the Queens/Kings that we all are.


No matter what you end up doing, whether it's all or just one of the few I listed. Take care of yourself because you are important and you are valued. See you soon.

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